
Sacred Wicca

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Fire Goddess Ritual

In Hawaii, there is a story passed down from the Shamans called the Bowl of Light. It teaches us that we are all born with a bowl filled with light, which, if tended to can develop into a strong source of life energy. However, over time our bowls can get polluted with “rocks,” taking the form of burdens, expectations, and baneful emotions, dimming our light and weighing down our bowl.


We all want to release that which no longer serves us or our higher selves. Through ritual, prayer, and meditation, we have the tools to release suffering, physical and emotional trauma, self-doubt, anger, and fear.


When we create the ceremony we rise above our mundane everyday selves and connect with the Divine spark that lives within each and every one of us.


This simple ritual has been devised to connect you with three Fire Goddesses, Brigid, Freya and Hestia, to help you to clear some "rocks" from your Bowl of Light. The Element of Fire burns away all that is old and outdated, Fire transforms one state of matter into another, Fire purifies and empowers.


Prepare an Altar in the colors of fire, and add lots of sparkling accessories to create a glittering, lively scene evocative of kinetic fire, jumping from place to place.


Place three red candles in the center and burn fiery incense such as frankincense, sandalwood or dragon's blood. In a circle around the candles sprinkle a mixture of as many of these dried herbs as you can manage: basil, dill, marigold, peppermint, vervain, ginger, high-john, nutmeg, pepper or wormwood. You may also place crystals and stones if you wish. Fire stones include amber, carnelian, smoky quartz, fire opal, tiger's eye and topaz.


Pray to each of these Goddesses in turn, light Her candle and sit silently, receiving Her messages and blessings.

Brigid, Fire of the forge,
Fire in the head, Fire of creativity.
Brigid, gold-red woman, bright Goddess.
Guide me through the Fires of transformation,
Grant me fortitude and courage,
To endure the pain of change, that I may triumph.
Fire shall temper my soul,
A burnished metal sword,
Of truth.


Freya Goddess of the fertile Spring,
Daughter of Moon magick,
Freya, I call upon You.
Heal the fire scars deep within my soul.
Wrap Your falcon cloak about me,
That I may ascend to You.
I rest my head upon Your lap,
I am filled with the ways of magick,
And embrace the witch within.


Hestia, gentle Goddess of witches,
Lady of abundance and generosity.
Hestia, I call upon Your steady calm,
Guide me back to Earth,
That I may sit by Your hearth.
Impart Your wisdom of fidelity and harmony,
Of domestic bliss, family, and love.
Security envelopes me,
And Your gifts shower me with joy.

©Rowan Morgana 2014