
Sacred Wicca

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    LUGHNASADH BUNDLE, 20 Pages, Lammas Wiccan Sabbat, Lughnasadh Spells Rituals Recipes Correspondences, Corn Doll, Lugh, Baby Witch Spellbook                 

Lammastide is here again,

The Wheel has turned, the seasons change.


What was planted in the spring,

A bountiful harvest now will bring.


What you’ve sown, you now shall reap;

Will you smile, or will you weep?


Each day shorter than the last,

Remind us of the seasons past.


Goddess and God were wed in May,

Her belly swollen on Solstice Day.


Sun God blessed us with warmth and light,

Growing stronger till Solstice night.


Now His energy begins to wane,

And the darkness starts to gain.


He knows His death is drawing near,

Bravely he stands, and shows no fear.


For this secret he understands,

His rebirth has long been planned.


Corn Mother retreats into the sheaf,

Her essence within bud, stem, and leaf.


Corn dollies are filled up with Her love,

As below, so above.


Shall we dance and shall we sing?

Turn the Wheel, in the magick ring.


 ©Rowan Morgana 2014